Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Business as usual

Currently in a workshop where Neo is teaching the underlying concepts of email and search engines. I'm just hanging back letting him take over this. He does this quite a bit in Soweto at his internet cafe. Hopefully by the end of this we'll have email accounts set up. That should facilitate greater communication as we leave from here.

Upcoming Ceremony...
Trying to organize the official ceremony scheduled for this Thursday. We're looking to have ~350 some people. The Limpopo provincial MoE will be our keynote speaker which is bringing quite a bit of excitement in the schools. We're hoping this project will spark some interest and/or involvement from the government. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

We're collecting the contracts we've sent out to both the students and schools. No problems with that.

Students are taking the laptops home tomorrow. We'll see how this goes. The community is fairly aware of what's going on here so I don't think we'll have any problems as far as theft is concerned. The fortunate part of working in rural areas is that everyone knows each other's business.

Need to go work...

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